Kui teie sõiduki süda vajab uut hingamist või kere värskendust, on Srotas.ee siin, et pakkuda teile parima kvaliteediga autovaruosi Eestis. Internetiavarustes peitub see e-pood nagu aare, mis ootab avastamist – koht, kus traditsiooniline autoturg kohtub kaasaegse tehnoloogiaga, luues kliendisõbraliku ja efektiivse ostukogemuse.
EditPlus 5.6 supports now Windows 10/11 dark mode
Good old lightweight text/code editor EditPlus supports start from last, 5.6 version also Windows dark mode.
HOW TO USE Windows Powershell and Command Promt as Administrator in Windows 11
Quick answer is: “Like in other Windows operation system versions!”
Windows 10 and Grunt Execution Policies problem fix
In Windows 10 operation system can appear in command line with Grunt problem, you can’t perform task because of error code below:
How to import and export Magento 2 database?
How to import and export Magento 2 database? Without getting errors like “A foreign key constraint fails” or “Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation”
How to upload files from server to Microsoft OneDrive using REST API and PHP
How to upload files from server to Microsoft Sharepoint OneDrive using REST API and Microsoft own Graph SDK and PHP?
How to configure Cron job in Magento 2?
Cron script readiness check failed? For example without cron running it is almost impossible to enable new modules.